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“In hundreds of studies, nature experience is associated with increased happiness and social engagement, and decreased mental distress.


In addition, nature experience is linked to improved cognitive functioning, memory and attention, imagination and creativity, and children’s school performance. 


These links span many dimensions of human experience, and include a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life.”


— Gretchen Daily, Stanford University’s Natural Capital Project

Sessions - What to Expect?

Time outside provides so many benefits for our kids.
And you know what else is true?

Those benefits apply to us as the parents, too. 🙌


When’s the last time you felt a greater sense of purpose after soft play? 🤣

While you’re researching the best activities for your child
— please don’t forget about yourself. 
You deserve to enjoy this, too. You deserve to feel good, too.
Just wanted to remind you of that, because good parents often forget. 😉

What can I expect at a Birds Nest session?

In a nutshell: your child won’t sit still or stop using their imagination for two hours. 🙌

Your child will choose from a range of activities to develop skills, problem-solve, and challenge themselves…all while absorbing the benefits of fun, free play, and the outdoors.
Each child is free to roam around and enjoy the different play areas at their own pace; there’s no “right” way to engage.

We’re a calming, secluded space in the woods and the natural world changes subtly with each visit. Our activities do, too. Each session, we’ll add, remove, or change something so it always feels fresh and different. The needs of the kids are our driving force so we watch what they love engaging with, and what additional needs they have, and the space evolves accordingly.  


Here are a few examples of activities your child may engage with:



  • Mud kitchen

  • Rope climbing

  • Sand pit with excavator

  • Tree swings

  • Hammocks

  • Tyre roll

  • Tree climbing


  • Den building

  • Crafts/painting

  • Bug hunts

  • Messy/water play

  • Teddy bears picnics

  • Gardening/planting


You, as the parent/carer, stay with your child for each session.
Added bonus: you soak up all the benefits of time outside, too!


If you're someone who would be more comfortable knowing the exact schedule:

  • Arrive

  • Pop waterproofs & wellies on

  • Walk one minute to the entrance

  • Choose the adventure path or the easy entrance (best for prams/wheelchairs and wee ones) - both take around 30 seconds.

  • I need to check you in so please come and find me! 👋 

  • It's all free play so wander, explore, have a proper coffee and a slice of cake.

  • Towards the end of the session, I'll light the fire and we'll toast a marshmallow if you want one, then we'll make s'mores.

  • Leave by the easy entrance with your tired-out babes.

What parenting or education philosophies do you incorporate at Birds Nest?

If I had to name a philosophy that’s central here at Birds Nest, it would be inclusivity. 


Whether your child is the most mild-mannered civilian or the wildest child in the woods, you’re welcome here. 

Whatever your background, orientation, religion, political affiliation, you’re welcome here. 

If you stay at home with your kids or dominate the corporate world, or anything in between, you’re welcome here.

When you’re having an awesome day and nailing parenting, you’re welcome here.

When you’re having a tough day and feel like crying, you’re especially welcome here.  


If you want to breastfeed your child of any age, you’re welcome here.

If you order pineapple on your pizza, sorry but that’s where I draw the line.

(Gah, just kiddin’. You’re welcome here too, you wild thing.)

Birds Nest is a place where we can all just BE.

Show up as you are today.

Do what feels right.

Parenting is so darn hard and we welcome you always, exactly as you are.

Besides inclusivity, here are a few perspectives I’m inspired by.

I don’t hold strictly to these but you’ll find traces of them throughout the activities at Birds Nest:

  • Forest School ethos

  • Montessori philosophy

  • Gentle/conscious parenting

  • Free-range parenting

  • 1000 Hours Outside

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Birds Nest
Forest Club

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